
Randy presents his new projects to the staff....

Today, we had a meeting for me to present new programming proposals to staff. I decided that it was best to present all the programming ideas at once so everyone could comment and offer suggestions or add their ideas. I didn't really go into the principles of the Teachers' Academy though I did outline 5 tenets that I try to incorporate in programming: 1) inspire kids to learn 2) kids do the vast majority of the work 3) build self-confidence 4) skill building 5) element of social consciousness.

The first program I presented was World Village which was the subject of my portfolio presentation at the Teacher's Academy. As a reminder, the World Village is this fantastical village that 1-3rd graders build and then are challenged to deal with external and internal conflict. Yvonne, the teacher in charge of the 1-3rd graders, really liked the idea. She's already adding her own spin to the village with "word of the day." I like the fact that she is taking ownership of the project because ultimately it will be soley her group's project and the more excited she is about the program the better the program will be. The rest of the staff thought the kids will really get into to it too.

I shared that at first I was a little nervous about introducing conflict to the kids but most everyone thought that it would be very positive and a rich learning experience. We are going to meet next week to hash out some more details.

I then presented a program that I had been playing around with before I attended the Teacher's Academy called World Changers. In this program, 4-5 grade students select a local, national or world problem and then come up with a solution to the problem. (The solution does not have to be realistic...I didn't want to limit the imagination of students) The student would then have to present their solution in various stages 1) present to consultant 2) make a website 3) design a fundraiser 4) make a play. We are also going to ask the students to suggest other "stages" they would like to develop for their solutions.

At the end, we decided to have the students decide how they would like to distribute a certain dollar amount ...rice through UN food program, meals to the homeless, plant trees in burned areas in CA or some other way.

In our past projects we used Jeopardy as part of our projects. I wanted to get away from rewards so the supervisor suggested just tying in Jeopardy to the topics of the program. The teacher, Sonia, and I both thought this was a great idea. I worked with Sonia last year and she was great. She did a great job making the materials so the programming was visually appealing to the students. We both wanted to work together on another project but different from Inventors' Club..which was a hit last year..more about Inventors' Club later.

Lastly, I presented programs for my own group 6-7 grade which will be the subject on my next post.

So, all in all, the staff like the new programs and we are going to work together to make them happen. I'm a little nervous because I've never left so much of the programming to chance. But, at the same time I'm kinda excited to see if the Academy was right. Wish me luck.


Hello - this is from Karen. I am not going to write much because i am testing out the system and i don't understant what this blog thing is or where this message will go..


something I wrote before I left LA

12:28am LAX air port 19th August
Happy Birthday Bill Clinton!
Time is up! For me, time is up! I need to take air plane to my country. I really hope we have one country, one big house, same house, same thoughts, same life and can see each other everyday.
I got up early this morning. I could not sleep. I knew I would leave Ojai today and I need to say goodbye to Paul, to Kathy, to my favourite Yeti. I can not forget what happened in these 3 weeks. I can not stop miss you all guys... My brain and my thoughts are still in Ojai.
I spent a really nice weekend with Kathy. Also with Yeti and Paul to hike.
I saw Hollywood mountain & Kodak theatre this afternoon with Randy. Randy also took me to stand in the Ocean and jumped in to swimming pool, of course, together. And these are all my first time in my life. Thank you Randy! :-)
Had a nice dinner with Randy, Marcio and Cameron. They still talked about their favourite topics---you know, what I mean. Haha. just kidding.
I just hope time can stop in the morning. I hope time stop before I leave LA. Just want to stay longer with Paul, Kathy, Randy and all friends.
Thank you Yeti! Because I was so happy to play with him. I always miss Yeti. :-)
I've put all my memory into heart. I own it and I take care of it. So we can see each other again and again and again and again.......! SURE!
Now, I am imagining Yeti, Paul, kathy, Randy, Marcio, Cameron, Dipti and all guys sit in front of me and we are going to Beijing together.
I am waiting for see you again from now...


Hello! How are you

It's a lovely day--15th August 2008.
We start a new journey from now.
We are your supporter!
Keep in touch!